India and Pakistan Hackers Engage in Cyberwar

September 29, 2015 at 1:11 pm By

Multiple sites have begun reporting a cyber-war between India and Pakistan following a Pakistani hack on the Kerala Government’s official website. India has responded with a hack of their own and it’s all getting very interesting.

“Late Saturday night, the official website of the Kerala Government:, was hacked by a person identifying himself as Faisal Afzal aka ‘Faisal 1337′ for reasons unknown,” according to First Post.

“The text on the homepage at that moment was reportedly, ‘Official website of the RC Office,Govt of Kerala- New Delhi Hacked! Pakistan Zindabad.’ Also mentioned below was, “]’We Are Team Pak Cyber Attacker. Security is just an illusion.’

The Indian hacker group called “The Mallu Cyber Soldiers” responded by hacking over 100 Pakistani websites as payback. The team like the Team Pak Cyber Attacker, left a personal message towards the Pakistani hacker that read:

“!!Message to Script Kiddies of Pakistan ….Do not touch Indian Websites !!! Now your 46 Pakistan government websites got crashed and 4 educational websites got defaced. This is a small payback for hacking Faisal 1337 go home kiddo, you are F*ucked.”

The Indian hacking team provided a list of the websites that were hacker according to First Post. This is the kind of cyber warfare that could spark up at any moment between any pair or countries or more. The original motives of the initial attack is unclear but many hackers just see their accomplishments as triumphs. It’s going to be interesting to see if the Pakistani hackers respond and how severe the response will be.

Read the full story.